Story Behind the Song
I simply wrote this song as a personification of America. I was toying around with the idea and lyrics for a few weeks, but could never get any good writing done with it. So I sat down and started writing a song about my ex girlfriend, and as the lyrics came out, I realized I finally had the song I wanted. I got an awesome beat from Slang imperial, and now you have the finished copy of Erica.
kick back, flip the playback
and watch as I display that
a glance back in time, a tale
of mine
its easy to reminisce, but its
hard to exist with bliss, when
you aren't there to miss
the pain of remembrance and hostilty
and your ability to ease my fix
the way you smiled, all the while
knowing, showing while inside glowing
her eyes hold the truth, an aqua blue
of unpaid revenue
driving down her avenue
in a red convertible with a white
on her block, passing by
the homeless glares and smiles
of her own child
she doesnt have the time
to waste on mine
shes too inertwined
with the camels, and the lites
which shine so bright
over darkened memories
of 4 trecherous centuries
she awakes at sunset,
the skies red to the west,
she wipes the sweat from her head/
she contemplates, as she glances
around her place
awards and plaques glaze the wall,
while her forgotten children
are walked down halls
shackled at the stem, so easy to
forget about them
which she has
a short memory, of robberies
and murder
her heart hurts under the lights
but while in bed at night
shes warm, and tucked in tight
she doesnt have the time
she walks along to the corner
to place her order
when a man and his hand
are stretched out
she screams and shouts
but cannot seem to rid herself
of this inconvenience
so she has the police arrest and seize him
back along town she spots a gown
at a store, which she cannot afford
so she cons the price with her razor sharp eyes
and exits the store feeling justified
in a world this blind, its easy to see
how a woman like this can be allowed
to go free