Story Behind the Song
Wrote this one over a period of days while at work, doing my outside preventative maintenance route. The words just came, from within my spirit, as I looked at God's splendour all around me.
Intro F Gm C2, Gm C2, Gm, Eb, Gm, Csus, C
For You are Lord,
Gm C2
You’re the One who lived and died for me,
Gm C2
Sacrificed Your life for me,
Gm Eb
Took upon You all my sins,
Gm Csus C
Restored me to my God!
Yes, You are Lord,
You’re the One who has created me,
Died to give new life to me,
I lift my hands towards heaven,
And I worship You alone!
Dm Am
For You alone are worthy, Lord,
Gm F2
Worthy of my praise,
Dm Am
I’ll bow before Your holy throne,
Bb Csus C
And worship all my days.
Words & Music
Campbell, D.
© 1998 Crosstrax Music
CCLI License No. 938047