Story Behind the Song
Inspired by Shel Silverstein's poem "Sick" from his book "Where the Sidewalk Ends"
i refuse to go to work today, said joseph ronald g. lebay. i'm feeling sick and i can't move, i think my chest just grew two boobs. i've got a really nasty cough, and my tattoos are wearing off. you won't believe what my veins are bleeding, it's kinda purplish-greenish, and i mean it.
my fingernails are falling out, inside my mouth i feel a drought. the hair on my ass is tangled in knots, i'm all out of tissues and i'm covered in snots. my brains are oozing out of my ears, i'm crying olympic-sized swimming pool tears. if i didn't know better i'd think i was drugged, like someone slipped cyanide into my.....
my ears are ringing i can't hear, i've got a deadly disease i fear. a bright red rash is on my rear and i am crying orange tears. when i woke up this morning i was feeling kinda drab, i guess just like a rat would feel when used for testing in a lab. and i am just to sick to move at all, consider yourself lucky that i'm making this call.