Hi my names Dr Deep,
on screamer 2 wolf drives a jeep,
mines way better than his could ever be,
because its 4x4 and I go beep beep,
Yo my racing team-its called the wasps,
ill defend my title at all costs,
I'm number one on nearly every track,
both speed and style is what you lack,
you had better watch your back,
ill do a lap don't jack,
a punch I'll pack,
with my car I'll hack,
stack you on a rack,
and then you'll crack,
Oh shut up wolfy,
you get high scores monthly,
I beat you all the time,
and you call me a swine,
you do it all the time,
so I'll clamp your wheels and you'll have to pay the fine,
you think youre good at screamer,
your just a big dreamer,
you've got a bone in your leg called a femur,
and I'll break it and drive off in my beemer,
why do we argue in our songs Aid?
I don't know, its just the way were made,
we should stop doing it now before we fade,
we'll be at each others necks in the tombs were laid,
when we argue its hot, there's no shade,
I think were gonna hafta call the fire brigade,
our graves they'll raid,
dig us out with a spade,
in they'll wade,
they'll be dismayed,
to see us fighting in our grave,
and this is what they'll say........
One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords,
And shot each other.