Story Behind the Song
This is a demo version of a track from the upcoming album/E.P. (haven't decided yet; only got this song written so far :P). The groove came to me through bashing away on my accoustic guitar. I then used Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 to create a big layered drum track, then used some analogue bass sounds and swooshy synth noises overthe top of that. I then grabbed my trusty Godin SD and recorded the guitar powerchords directly into the PC, using Cakewalk's Amp Sim Lite to get the crunch sounds, and Cakewalk's CFXto get the flanger and reverb effects. I then recorded the vocals using my *very* crappy mic, added reverb, MP3ed and there you go. All audio parts recorded in one take.
The lyrics were written after I recorded the guitar part. One phrase came to me, and the rest followed organically, resulting in the two-verse insanity that sits before you.
The cat's in the cradle,
The shit's hit the fan,
You moan and you bitch,
while I do all I can,
You're talking in circles,
Your thinking is skewed,
If that's what it is, well,
Our story is screwed,
I'm leaving, you're leaving,
Let's take what we can,
There's no sense bereaving,
But I won't shake your hand,
The end, the beginning,
It's all just the same,
Don't matter where you're going,
if you ain't got a name.
The house,
The kids,
Ah, fuck it!
I'm gone!
I'm gone,
I'm gone,
I'm gone.
Lawyers are circlin,
Like vultures they crave,
My money, my posessions,
My personal slave,
But they're not getting any,
If I get my own way,
If they say she gets a penny,
I'll blow them away,
The cops will never get me,
I'll flee to Peru,
I'll change my name, my face, my race,
Yeah, that's what I'll do,
But if things don't work out smoothly,
The way that I planned,
I'll sell the slave and buy a guitar,
And start up a band,
The world!
The world,
The world,
The world is mine,
All mine.