We’re Soldiers in the Army of the Lord
We’re soldiers in the army of Lord, we have to fight although we have to die
We have to hold up the blood stained banner and we have to hold it up high
I remember when I was first recruited
A man said God loves you and needs you. I said “Come on let’s do this
Took the gangster cap of my head
Put on a helmet of salvation, said your old self is dead
Gave me a gold teflar bullet proof vest
Called it God’s breastplate of righteousness
A sword, God’s word was handed to me
I put on the whole armor of God, bring on the enemy.
We’re soldiers in the army of Lord, we have to fight although we have to die
We have to hold up the blood stained banner and we have to hold it up high
We wrestle not against blood and flesh
I don’t fight my neighbor, my brother, but something else
It’s a spirit of sin and ungodliness
That can corrupt anyone, so first I got to check myself
Cuz that spirit of sin attempts to infiltrate
I use extreme prejudice and fix to eliminate
I shout my saviors name to all who’re listening
I’m a sold out soldiers I aint taking no prisoners
We’re soldiers in the army of Lord, we have to fight although we have to die
We have to hold up the blood stained banner and we have to hold it up high
When I get on the battlefield
I take out the sword, bow my head and I kneel
Ask the Lord to use me for his will
Then I see the enemy coming to destroy kill and steal
I don’t do nothing I just stand,
When he comes closer, I don’t move just stand with the word in my hand
I stand not alone, many join me in the line
But we just stand, for the Lord said the battle’s already mine.
I may never shoot the artillery, ride in the Calvary
Zoom over the enemy
I may never serve in the infantry, but I’m in the lord’s army
3-29-01 by Joseph Johnson