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    "I Stand."genre: Alternative Hip Hop
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    CD: swank106 (self-titled tape/CD, 2001)   Label: ship of fools
    Credits: beat : swank106 ... lyric : swank106

    Story Behind the Song
    one take, one track garage session

    i stand
    eyes fixed on everything, and nothing
    my jaw slowly tightening
    while clenching my fist
    trying to resist
    that little voice inside my head that seems to think that taking my life
    is somehow a good notion
    but i motion for a recess
    i'm depressed and down
    somewhere in-between
    a smile and a frown
    drown my sorrows in dope beats and dank smoke
    never losing hope, but often lacking motivation
    swimming in stagnation
    mind clouded by doubt and hesitation
    questioning my destination and my station in life
    tired of all the bullshit
    tired of all the politics
    tired of being stepped on
    and feeling like a little shit
    man, i'm just tired
    waiting to be inspired
    waiting for the muse to show her pretty face
    and put me in a pretty place
    instead of this shitty space i'm currently in
    my patience wearing thin
    i mean, just because i look okay doesn't mean i'm not depressed
    just because i've dropped exstacy it doesn't leave me happiness
    and just because i know the answers doesn't mean i'll pass your silly ass test
    and like i said before
    i'm tired

    can i get some rest?

    well, call it evolution
    or maybe just progress
    when i'm not asking a girl for her number, but her e-mail address
    i guess time's are changing
    the world's still strange
    and people are even stranger
    and complete strangers are sometimes more affectionate
    than loved ones turned indifferent
    but in a different time
    in a different place
    in a different world
    in a different case
    maybe things could be different
    and you could erase
    all those decisions that you made in haste
    or those days you did nothing and let go to waste
    or when you ran from the music, instead of standing to face
    but enough with the semantics
    suffice to say in certain circumstances, it seems i am stereotypical
    but that's typical, and typically
    it tickles me, to think of me the way i know people are perceiving me
    but much love to my friends for believing in me
    and love to the shadow, even though she left me
    'cause presently, i'm loving life, this world and everything in it
    though things are either in a state of shit
    going to shit, or not going to amount to shit
    but shit, it's all i've got
    and all i've fought for all my life
    and yeah, i've been through pain and strife
    and yeah, i've almost used the knife
    but i've been growning, though not much vertically
    but in knowledge and understanding

    and i guess in the end, that's really all that matters.

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