Story Behind the Song
Based on a magazine article in the 1930's about a sanitaruim described as a vacation getaway.
And how people used to get thrown into these asylums based on their religious beliefs and sexual repression/orientation.
Written from the point of view from an inmate, and his observations on what is going on around him.
Song was written in Detroit, MI.
Took 2 Hrs. to write, 2 takes to record. 2 hrs. to room 222-D at Garage Land Studios SF
The family doctor says I cant cope with stress.
I've been locked up for good im sexually repressed.
On sunday the priest told us sex was a sin.
But my fear of the flesh is the reason I'm in.
Chorus. The fucked up things you always say, will come back to you one day
written on your wall.
When you look into my eyes it may come as some surprize, I'm not here at all.
The man in 4-D raped his wet nurse today.
To punish us all they took our TV away.
I really dont mind all thes pill and bad food.
But without Melrose Place my life is moot.
Chorus: The messed up things you always say,
will come back to you one day, hanging from your wall.
If you look into my eyes, it may come as some surprize,
I'm not here, at all.
There was one who was peaceful, content with his fate.
With drool on his chin, scrambled eggs on his plate.
He covered himslef in 5 dolllar bills, then lept to his death singing happiness kills.