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    "Hands Of Time (Complete Version)"  Parental Advisorygenre: Alternative Hip Hop
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    This is it ya'll. The final product. The song you've all been waiting for. You love the beat, you love the little vocal snippet I have up, now you're gonna love the final version.
    CD: You Must Crawl Before You Can Walk   Label: Indie All The Way
    Credits: FLiPsyde121379

    Story Behind the Song
    The song is pretty self-explanatory. For those that don't know me, I'm a sucker for the opposite sex. The song is just a retrospective look on the past year of my life with a female and how I wish I could just go back and make things right.

    VERSE 1:
    She took a sip of the wine, set down the glass, and tipped it over/Another year older; she's drunk, and I'm sober/Another year slipped right thru the hands of time/I wish I could go back, I wish I could press rewind/There's so much I would change, so much I wish I had done/Like made more friends, spent time with loved ones, or had some fun/Altogether, I feel the year was incomplete/I had opportunity a my feet, but I chose to take another street/I kept looking back, not paying attention to the road ahead/We talked a lot, but not much was ever said/I used to dread waking up next to a human cartoon every morning/My friends kept warning me, but I wasn't hearing them/Blinded by lust, I was steering clear of them/Loops, dips, turns, three hundred and sixty degrees/Throwing my hands in the air in disgust, I just wanted to leave/I couldn't breathe, claustrophobia had set in/And I was ready to start all over again, this time I will win!

    VERSE 2:
    She took a puff of her cigarette and focused her eyes once more on the crack in the floor/What is she waiting for? Why can't she look me in the eye?/Is it shame, or a fear that she may start to cry?/Why oh why do I even try to make things work?/Damn near every other day she reassures me that I'm a jerk/I see no perks or benefits in continuing on/This shit is played out, it's long drawn, and she needs to move on/But she can't. It's apparent that she finds pleasure in my suffrage/She keeps setting flame to a bridge she has not yet crossed/Who's The Boss? in this modern-day sitcom/This shit bombed, yet we continue to move along/Through the fog in the night, we fight to stick together but the weather was better before we moved/Though we share the same interests, and the love is strong/There's just something wrong that can't improve.

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