Can someone please tell me, what is real and what is not, cos we're ment to beleave, Every thing we hear and see, but the real side is a group of guys who take controll and power and then hide...
Shout now the choice is yours, if you wanna get em' then you gotta do it throught closed doors, They gotta make sure that they save face, well thats too easy when they own the whole place!
You think we'll mourn when you die? that we'll stare blankly and cry? you thnk we'll mourn when you die? Your wrong! And i can wait for the day, when all the walls fall away, you think that this will never be? one day all our minds will be free!
Even in what i read, the papers are all censored by the man behind the greed, media aims to decieve, sugar coat the story hide the truth about the need!
Shout now the choice is yours, if you wanna get em' then you gotta do it throught closed doors, They gotta make sure that they save face, well thats too easy when they own the whole place!
Can someone please tell me, what is real and what is not 'cos we're ment to beleave, its freedom or monopoly, a public front of oh hope and love and trust, the face that hides the lust!