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    "My Good Shoes"genre: Experimental
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    The saga of a man's quest to get back his beloved shoes.
    Credits: Rocco Botte (Composer, vocals, lyrics)

    Story Behind the Song
    This song was meant to be as chaotic, annoying, and insane as possible. It was inspired by a pair of shoes I had, which I always referred to as my "Good Shoes." They were hideous filthy blue shoes... But they rocked. However, I always had a habit of losing them. Thus, this song was created. The rapping was the hardest part, but I think it paid off. Now... anyone know how to remove a mustard stain?

    I'm gonna go outside today
    I wanna ride my bike, okay?
    I'm gonna buy a carrot cake
    And wear my good shoes

    I bought them both just yesterday
    Cost me one hundred seven-tay
    One size too small, but that's okay
    With them I can't lose!

    (Ehh, but first, I gotta find 'em. Where's I put 'em anyway? They used to be by the couch, but... now they're gone. Where arem y shoes?)

    Lost my shoes
    Where are they?
    Not upstairs
    In the sink
    I searched the kitchen only to find
    The microwave is smoking with the dog inside.

    (I had to find those shoes! So I ran outside and I ran into the forest- And this was no ordinary forest, people- This forest was packed with starving crazed midgets. Midgets with swords and guns. I was gonna fight those midgets for the shoes I wanted so badly. Bring it on, midgets!
    "You want your shoes? Bring it on!")

    Battling the midgets
    With my trusty saber
    Making sure they all get creamed

    They all have such small hands
    They all smell like cabbage
    I will claim the victory

    They may try to kill me with their daggers but they cannot reach my knees
    My special three-pronged weapon will end all their mysery. HA!

    (Wanna gimme back my shoes now, punk? "Um... we don't have your shoes." WHAAAAT? I was pretty upset. So I ran down the street to the local country club, where they were having a line dancing contest. And I figured that I'd enter the contest in hopes to win back... my good shoes. YEEHAW!)

    Swing your partner do si do
    If I wanna find my shoes gotta trust m'soul
    With an aliman left and an aliman right
    Gonna win back my good shoes tonight
    Gonna do the tush push until I get tired
    I gotta keep up, I don't wanna expire!

    (Hey wait a second. Everyone here is wearing boots. No one here is gonna have my good shoes. Screw this! So I ran out of that country club, and I ran down the street to the local night club, where they were having the first annual "Rap Off" contest. The better rapper would win the ultimate prize- My good shoes. I opened the door...)

    (Whatchu want, foo?)
    (I just wanted my good shoes back)
    (Well then, you're gonna have to rap better than me. And I'm a pretty good rapper.)

    So these shoes you used to own
    Til you met the mastermind with the microphone
    Well I like these shoes placed upon my feet
    Feel good walkin' up and down the street
    Fought a bunch of midgets? Hey, that ain't bad
    But that ain't hard. Heck, there's fun to be had
    You smell like Satan just pinched off a log
    Now my flowin' is fly, can you beat this, dawg?
    Shut your hole
    I got control
    You ain't gonna get back the shoes I stole
    Why dontcha give up now, ya ain't gonna succeed
    My rappin' is over. I am finished. Proceed.

    (Dang... um... that was pretty tight, I must say. But I can rap better than that. Check this... dawg...)

    My name is Rocco and I'm here to... uh.. Can I start over?

    (Yea yea, daeg, take your time)

    Alright, here it is again. My name is Rocco and I'm... uh... oh man... I'm not feelin' too well...

    (What's wrong, dawg?)

    I dunno, I just... OHHH!! OHH!!

    (Aww man! That ain't cool, dawg! Just take your shoes and get the heck outta here.)
    (You mean it?)
    (Yeah, get lost!)

    I got my good shoes back today
    I'm gonna wear them to the bay
    Won't take them off until next May
    They're my bestest friends

    My favorite shoes they... hey wait a second. There's a mustard stain on my shoes.


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