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    "The Great American Novel"genre: Acoustic
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    Desperate, yet hopeful
    CD: Man with a Mission
    Credits: D. Scherrer

    Story Behind the Song
    This is the first song I ever finished and kept. It is a sort of caricature of my own struggle to find an artistic voice. It is the song of the writer who spends day after day in front of a blank piece of paper, knowing that he wants to transform the whole world with his ideas, but terrified that he's going to ruin the page with the first word he puts there.
    It's also about the tension that exists between the legitimate, altruistic desire to contribute something meaningful to the world and the vanity and egoism of wanting the recognition for it.

    My day turns to ashes
    But never seems to generate a flame
    My precious visions
    Flood and stream away
    Like August rain
    Without no buckets

    Won't you come by
    And let me lay with you
    Just like you do
    Those other Guys?

    Seems I'm stumbling while I sit
    I want the words to wake the world with
    But when I think of all the things
    I want them to hear me say
    My precious visions flood and stream away

    I wrote my autobiography
    It's two stout pounds
    In patient hand
    And on every labored line
    I wrote the same damn thing
    I planned and planned
    But never moved nobody

    But oh, I know
    If I could just get it underway
    I know they'd hear me
    They'll hear and say
    "This changes everything"

    Be my Valentine, coy muse
    Let me be the one to biggest use you
    There were nights when I could swear
    You were there, next to me
    And I felt how full my arms could be

    Is everybody listening?
    Listening for my message?
    I'll have it for you any day now
    And when I take my bow
    You'll call my visions precious

    Teach me to make them shiver
    Help my message to deliver
    'Cause if they're crying out their eyes
    At the truth of it
    I can revamp my drying youth

    This is my message
    Is everybody listening?
    This is what you're secretly starved to hear
    So let your tears all run
    Is everyone listening?

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