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Tiny ditty I did in high school in regards to John Haskell, who at Junior year, quit his Crash-Test-Dummies-derivative band, transfered to a continuation school, then later showed up on the PVPHS stage cutting up his bloody fingers playing solo accoustic guitar songs for the whole school. By that time his hair was magenta and his skin had changed its texture. I bid him fairwell and never saw him again. John, if you are out there - you did good as a child. |
CD: We Live Just Fine
Story Behind the Song
Tiny ditty I did in high school in regards to John Haskell, who at Junior year, quit his Crash-Test-Dummies-derivative band, transfered to a continuation school, then later showed up on the PVPHS stage cutting up his bloody fingers playing solo accoustic guitar songs for the whole school. By that time his hair was magenta and his skin had changed its texture. I bid him fairwell and never saw him again. John, if you are out there - you did good as a child.
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