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    "Revelations: The Number of the Beast"  Parental Advisorygenre: Psychic Readings
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    These spoken words are fragmented excerpts from The Revelation of Saint John the Divine.The oratory is an emotional cathartic crisis set against a surreal sounscape of music,pain, and that which words cannot describe. AS WITH JOAN OF ARC, WE MUST ASK OURSELVES - WAS HE SANE, OR A STARK RAVING LOON. CD: The Fires of Hell - buy it!buy it!
    CD: MC Shaoul and the Fires of Hell
    Credits: Andrew, OOno and Shawn and last, but not least, John the Divine

    Story Behind the Song
    Well,pick up a bible and read the last
    book of the new testament(king james or
    jerry fallwell editions are appropriate).
    judge for yourself.
    666, baby.

    · I am Alpha and Omega, the
    Beginning and the ending,
    Which is, and which
    Was and which is to come, the

    I am he that liveth, and
    Was dead; and, behold, I am
    Alive for evermore, A-men;
    And have the keys of hell and
    Of death.

    My name is Legion for we are many.

    And I saw heaven opened,
    And behold a white horse; and
    He that sat upon him was called
    Faithful and True, and in
    Righteousness he doth judge
    And make war.

    His eyes were as a flame
    Of fire, and on his head were
    Many crowns; and he had a
    Name written that no man
    Knew, but he himself.


    And he was clothed with a
    Vesture dipped in blood: and his
    Name is called The Word of


    And the armies which were
    In heaven followed him upon
    White horses, clothed in fine
    Linen, white and clean.

    And out of his mouth goeth
    A sharp sword, that with it he
    Should smite the nations: and
    He shall rule them with a rod
    Of iron: and he treadeth the
    Winepress of the fierceness and
    Wrath of Almighty God.

    And he hath on his vesture
    And on his thigh a name
    Written, KING OF KINGS,


    And I saw one of the heads of the Beast
    As it were wounded to death;
    And his deadly wound was healed;
    And all the world wondered
    After the beast.

    And I heard a voice
    In the midst of the Four Beasts say

    A measure of wheat for a penny
    And three measures of barley for a penny
    And see thou hurt not
    The oil and the wine.

    And I beheld when he had
    Opened the sixth seal, and lo;
    There was a great earthquake;
    And the sun became black as
    Sackcloth of hair; and the moon
    Became as blood;

    And the stars of heaven fell
    Unto the earth, even as a fig
    Tree casteth her untimely figs,
    When she is shaken of a mighty

    And the heaven departed
    As a scroll when it is rolled
    Together; and every mountain
    And island were moved out of
    Their places.

    And the kings of the earth,
    And the great men, and the rich
    Men, and the chief captains,
    And the mighty men, and every
    Bondman, and every free man,
    Hid themselves in the dens and
    In the rocks of the mountains;

    And said to the mountains
    And rocks, Fall on us, and hide
    Us from the face of him that
    Sitteth on the throne, and from
    The wrath of the Lamb;

    For the great day of his
    Wrath is come; and who shall
    Be able to stand?

    And that no man might buy
    Or sell, save he that had the
    Mark, or the name of the beast
    Or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him
    That hath understanding count
    The number of the beast: for it
    Is the number of a man; and
    His number is Six hundred
    Threescore and six.

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