Brave, New World
In between the drops of rain,
a path is made between them all, but
few can make the journey clear,
without a little pain.
Try to stand astride the storm and
make it to a place thats warm.
Dont worry on which drops will hit;
youll (only) earn their scorn.
Then afterward, when looking at a
brave new world, a brave new day;
you feel the rain, you cant forget
how strange it made you feel. . .
Suicide and apathy go hand-
in-hand. The days go by, and nothing changes.
Finding thoughts that are your own,
becomes unreal.
Reaching out becomes madness,
and so love is not known.
Ones opinion not valued.
Life thats shallow and cold. . .
One or two control the throng,
there is no wine; there is no song.
The messages are always there
do what they say.
They crowd your days and haunt your nights;
invade your dreams, and cloud your sight.
Step out of line, and lose your mind;
youre led astray . . .
Calling out to the dreamers . . . will you make yourselves known?
Copyright 1998 Tom Kraus