1.The stars, shin- ing bright, looked o- ver the earth, in sweet ex- pec- ta- tion of His birth While shep- herds with flocks stood out in the cold, a- wait- ing the mir- a- cle to un- fold:
Je- sus, born for us, let all the earth sing: "Glo- ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- - o." Je- sus, word made flesh, let all the earth sing: "Glo- ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- - - o."
2.The wise men__ three, from lands far a- way, came bear-ing__ gifts in praise that day. The an- gels looked down, and joy- ful- ly smiled, an- nounc- ing the birth__ of Ma- ry's child:
Sing Chorus of "Angels We Have Heard on High" - "Gloria in excelsis Deo," etc (continue over 3rd chorus)
Je- sus, born for us, let all the earth sing: "Glo- ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- - o." Je- sus, word made flesh, let all the earth sing: "Glo- ri- a, in ex- cel- sis De- - - o."