When King Nimrod went out into the meadow,
He looked at the sky and saw the starry vault.
He saw a holy light, descend unto the Earth,
Who had just been born? Abraham our Father.
A star was born, A star was born,
A star was born in Israel.
Let us now hail, the newborn Lord.
May He be marked, with a goodly sign.
This child, the prophet Elias,
Fortold us of its dawn, in each and every heart.
When Christ was born, when Christ was born,
When Christ was born in Israel.
Let us celebrate the blessings of this Earth,
Gifts of great delight, to recall us to our sight.
This hour, our Lord Jesus Christ, fortold us of its dawn, In each and every heart.
When Christ is born, when Christ is born,
When Christ is born in Israel
The Christ is born, the Christ is born,
The Christ is born in Israel.
Starlight is born, starlight is born,
Starlight is born in Israeel.