Sleep, O my lit-tle one, qui-et-ly sleep,
An-gels shall guard thee slum-ber-ing deep.
White wings a-bout thee
En-fold-ing that flame,___
Ho-ly, Im-mort-al
In-eff-a-ble Name.
Sleep, O my lit-tle one, qui-et-ly sleep,
Heav-en's high hosts a-round thee shall creep.
All love and glo-ry,
Beau-ty and grace --
With kiss of a mo-ther--
rest on thy face.
Sleep, my be-lov-ed, my lit-tle one sleep;
No cry-ing be heard: O stir not nor weep.
A bright Star is shin-ing
A-bove thy dear head,___
And to this poor shel-ter
The great Kings are led.
Sleep then, my King-ly one, gent-ly and still.
See how thine an-gels watch on each hill.
Here is thy moth-er
Close, dear-est heart:__
I shall be with thee
When shep-herds de-part.
Sleep, O my lit-tle Lord, dar-ling one, sleep.