Story Behind the Song
The lyrics for "Heaven" (Track 3 on the CD) were written in Hawaii on the heals of Steve's divorce. Steve had been struggling with his sexual identity for years, but was at the same time in love with his wife at the time and was afraid of losing his infant daughter. The song was written in the surge of creativity that followed his coming out and is basically a song written in dedication to his newly acknowledged sexual identity and the gratefulness he carries this day towards the woman he loved.
I haven't found the road to heaven yet, but I know it's out there somewhere.
I remember the walks on the beach,
as if it were yesterday.
I remember the smile on your face,
when you said you'd never go away.
But the rings we exchanged
brought us so much pain,
As our lives grew to big
for the vows that passed our lips.
Cindy, I should have never lived a lie,
but the truth was took hard take.
And, please don't think I didn't love you with my life.
I love you still today.
Oh, the tears that I've cried
have washed away the pain.
I'm a better man today,
cause for a while you were by my side.
What is heaven anyway, but a hope for a brighter day.
And, if your hope is someone else's arms,
you'll be lost when they're gone.