Story Behind the Song
This is a work based on a couple of poems I wrote, then combined. It was recorded in the sanctuary of Our Lady of the Wayside. During the recording, we were competing with a construction crew across the street. Every time they'd back up a truck you'd hear that annoying beeping sound and we'd have to wait for it to stop before we could continue. Kristi, despite the destractions, still delivers an empassioned performance.
Days and weeks meld into one,
Faith has pushed us to the edge,
The line between it and Hope,
Has frayed and spoiled, yet not dead.
Ignorance, intertwined in ravings,
Has worn our minds road to dust,
Left craving for a drop of cool soul water,
Replenished, revived, at Peace.
But non is found from within,
All drained, all weak, weary of warring,
Come sweet respose, uplift as you lower,
Lower us into the grave,
Bastion of Hope, Faith that stirs us,
From complacent darkness,
Awaken the slumbering seeds,
The dawn of a new day harkens, Joy,
That all is not dark, or lost, or in vain.
And if I venture into waters uncharted,
Will you fear of drowning,
In depths that would pull us down,
An cover our souls forever?
Or to take the stern,
To forge ahead into blackest night,
And not in guilt, 'er to look back,
'er to look back.
I shall not rest, nor shall tempest triumph,
For the task is mighty and challenges all,
Within me burns a hundred fires,
Unquenchable, consuming that I touch,
The lives that paths do cross.
Shall you then come with me my love, my love,
For strong of heart and soul shall quide us on,
Steadfast the hand that will hold mine,
Unshaken, unfailing.
And true our hearts and true our souls,
unwaivered shall sustain us,
For the life we lead, will bear witness,
To the depths at which we love,
At which we love.