Red wine and candlelight
Perfume charms the air with subtle fingertips
so soft, her lips...
Whispers and gentle sighs
As our eyes embrace I take her hand in mine
Don't she look so fine...
I don't know whay she finds so much in me alluring.
But, you know, it doesn't matter anyway,
because her smile's so reassurring
that I feel no need to ask
I just take each day and bask
in her glow.
She knows my thoughts, she knows my deepest feelings
and she understands me when I sulk and when I'm moody
so I don't have to play a part
I just play it all by heart
and it shows.
I never though such a love would come to me;
it's comforting
to know that when night comes, she's there.
It must be real, for what else could it be,
though I've never seen
the face of my good lady fair?
Gold rings and strings of pearl
could never match the wealth of what she means to me,
though a fantasy...
A few chords, some idle words
are all I have to give to her that has no hands
so here I stand
and wait
for her.