Story Behind the Song
"I wrote this in the car on the way home. Don't worry, I pulled over to write down each verse as it came.
I usually rewrite a lot, but not this time.
The inspiration was the photograph on the cover of a "best of" compilation I was working on.
The ready -to-burst ripeness of the wheat before the harvest got me thinking about the abundance of the things which matter most--at least for most of us."
- Steven Kapp Perry
Rolling fields and waving wheat,
the earth I feel beneath my feet,
life and breath and food to eat,
all these things are reason enough to sing.
The smile that means you've found a friend,
a lover faithful to the end,
a tiny child who takes your hand,
all these things are reason enough to sing.
Reasons great, reasons small,
we're rejoicing in them all
every place and every season
God is blessing us with
reason enough to sing.
The word of God that tastes so sweet,
the marks in Jesus' hands and feet,
a love that washes crimson clean,
all these things are reason enough to sing.
Reasons great, reasons small,
we're rejoicing in them all.
Every place and every season
God is blessing us with reason
in our joy and in our sorrow,
trusting he can fill tomorrow
With blessings of his providence,
with lasting love and lifelong friends,
and his strong arm in my defense,
all these things are reason enough,
every day brings reason enough to sing.
(dedicated to my wife, Johanne)