Story Behind the Song
Bar wrote this delightful tune after studying Psalm 149 and reflecting on the New Testament meanings of David's ancient passages.
"Let's sing a new song--let's sound the brass gong--
O let us celebrate Our Lord!
Give Him the glory! Revere His story--
Seek not your own reward!
We love Our Savior, not our behavior--
But He can lift us up on high--
If we are worthy, our faith is sturdy--
W-hen we ask not why!
Great is Jehovah! Sing Hallelujah! He is Our Lord!
He never fails us, when there's injustice--
We see how He endured!
Create a new dance! Let's make new entrance--
Together we will praise and sing!
We gather 'round Him, we're glad we found Him--
Enthrone Him Lord and King!
Let's blow the trumpets, let's roll the drumbeat--
Let's play bagpipes and tambourines!
Strum on your banjos, crash down your cymbals--
Exclaim New Gospel themes!
Praise God in worship! His Son was forfeit--
So that we all could have relief!
Greatest Messiah! Our new Elijah--
Was traded for a thief!
Draw on the harpstrings, let mandolins ring--
His doubters drown!
Let living creatures, let ev'ry feature--
Of His whole world resound!
Strike up the whole band, fill up the grandstands--
Festoon His way with color'd strands!
His Army glor'ious, ever victor'ious--
Marching at His command!
Joy and elation! Rise ev'ry nation--
Proclaim God's Kingdom's come at last!
We have long waited, anticipated--
Two thousand years have passed!
We join as one voice, to praise and rejoice--
That wrong will soon be overcome!
O Revelation--end disputation--
United by God's son!
God's Grace is streaming--our faces beaming--
Jesus returned!
He leads our chorus, He shall restore us--
To Parables once learned!
Let's sing His New Song! Let's sing the day long--
Let's swell His choir millions strong!
We can't be silent, or non-compliant--
In singing His New Song!
In singing His New Song!