Story Behind the Song
This song is Bar's vision of Heaven in the Afterlife. What promises do we have of what will happen when we leave this world and are ultimately reunited with Christ? In the glory and spectacle of a paradise that is familiar to us, will we recognize it as God's house? Recalls the imagery similar to the recent movie, "What Dreams May Come", although it was composed much earlier.
"Arise my love and come with me to Paradise--
Where you'll be blessed and let the rest suffice!
Your heart will be a part of me, no bond more true--
Than My own love for you!
In bright blue skies and butterflies, My love abounds--
On moss green hills where daffodils are found!
A haunting tune and fragrant blooms in full surround--
All this and more for you!
Such peace and joy are there, with happiness to share--
I'd want all this and more for you!
I'll not presume and not assume your love for Me!
You're free to come and free to leave it be!
I'll wait for you and ache for you, eternally!
Awake My love and see...all that's in store for thee!
Open your eyes--just see what I've prepared for you!
Your dreams won't end--I'll make them breathe anew!
My Father's house has many views, not just a few!
All this and more I'll do!
By meadow's edge, blue swallows sweep and glide through haze--
As tide's subside, white seagulls ride light waves!
In mountain dells and ocean swells, My love's engraved!
All this and more for you!
My love is ev'rywhere, on land and sea--in air--
Innermost place to farthest space!
You cannot see, you cannot touch, you cannot hold--
The energy that can make new from old!
My love is drawn from burnished sun, the purest gold!
From earth, you'll fly above--
All this and more, my love!
My love is sure, forever more, forever more!