Story Behind the Song
The death of Christ as witnessed through the recollections of His mother, Mary, spoken directly to Bar in a dream. Sharon sings this somber solo in hushed, reflective tones, leading us to its triumphal conclusion.
"When they nailed Him to the cross...
I was sure that I would faint!
I could not believe all that horror for a saint!
My Son, Jesus, the Christ, first born babe I clutched!
He was so many souls He touched!
He was such a lovely child...very serious at times!
I pondered all these signs, yet I did not understand!
He taught how to share, fought against despair--
Ever at peace, always so full of love!
He forgave all His foes, and lastly saved a thief!
Then He looked down...His face was ashen gray!
He was thoughtful to the end, being both my son and friend--
Through all His days!
He was my my Lord!
It's over oldest gone...(Pause)
But Jesus Christ lives on!
Yes, Jesus Christ lives on!"