Story Behind the Song
This is where we should all go for inspiration! Relive Our Savior's life and times an breathe new life into our own faith by trying to picture what it must have been like to be there during the ministry of Jesus Christ.
"Come along with me, back to Galilee--
Meet the One who's called 'The Healer'.
Come and you will see, watch on bended knee--
Feel the love of God through Jesus!
He helps all who turn to Him, He blesses ev'ryone too--
He never seems to get tired--He works until He's through!
Sing along with me, as in Galilee--
Score of centuries to Jesus!
He's the same today. He shows us the way--
Bless His Holy Name, He's Jesus!
When your temper's short, when your humor frosts--
When you've fought your fight...and lost it--
That's the time once more, fid the world before--
Walk the well-worn stones of His shores!
Return to Him who came here as just a carpenter's son--
The strongest one of his fam'ly! The weak He never shunned!
Watch Him aid the lame, touching those in pain--
Giving without blame, forgiveness!
What He taught we've lost! His plain words we've missed!
Help carry the cross...of Jesus!
THIRD VERSE(Key changes up)
How I'd long to be, back in Galilee--
At the wedding feast in Cana!
Hear Mary remind, Son of Humankind--
Water into wine...the first sign!
John knew at River Jordan as he splashed over His head--
This one will chastise with mercy! He's come to lift the dead!
Cast out fishing nets...Follow in His steps--Fall in with the rest who love Him!
Gather on the hills...see the hungry filled--
Watch the crowds be stilled by Je-e-sus!"