Story Behind the Song
Politics were not always our forte, but with the nation the way it is now, we felt that we needed an intellegent, yet rockin' commentary on what we believe to be important issues. To do this, we use the allegory of manboon. Half man, half baboon... who is now president!
I'm not a man, I'm not a baboon
I'm a manboon, and I'm running for president
Get out of the jungle, not going to fumble
Because I'm going to run for president
(KENNEDY): "I John F Kennedy, have risen from the dead to challenge manboon for the prsidency of the united states"
(Announcer): "Mr Manboon, your rebuttal please"
(Manboon): whooowhooohaaahaaa!!!
(Bystander): Manboon mauled Kennedy! He's dead! Again!
An elephant ship a donkey ship
Sailing through the ocean
When they meet oh god no
The tides of war are in motion
Now I did it, now I rule the United States
Those people who voted for me
Have sealed their own fates
Manboon! President! (not heaven sent)
I got the money, I have it all
I got the drugs and the alchohol
I've been corrupted, I care no more
Lying drunk, on the floor
i don't love
Oh no, what have I done
Destroying my country is no longer fun
MANBOON GREW A HORN (oh dear, how did this occur?!?!?!)
I can see they're going to impeach me
Cause now i got a horn
They're going to, Impeach me
And no ones going to mourn
I don't know what to say
I don't now what to do
All i know is without a doubt
Without a doubt I'm through
I got no love, no money no nothin'
I think that, I finally learned somethin'
Being president is not all it's cracked up to be
Now I know it's over, my life, and soon
so much for president manboon...
I don't love
I don't love
I don't love
III DON'T LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh child... gonna do some lovin.