Story Behind the Song
a reminder that, though we can acheive greatness on earth, we are still somewhat insignificant in the whole scheme of things
a thousand miles shall pass before my Lord will bring me home,
but until then I'm crowned by Him to speak about His throne,
alone i whisper silent thoughts and fall beneath the goal,
but His spirit moves gracefully to work within my soul
when life is said and done and when life is all but gone, when all i have done wrong, is nothing under the sun,
when i speak of me and when i speak of victory, when i fail humility, then i'm nothing under the Son
the summer of my discontent has led me to the fall, and dying leaves no longer green reminds that death seeks all,
through winter whites and frozen nights my folded hands do pray,
to Him above who'd graceful love brings life to those astray
i am nothing, just a sinful/simple human being,
i am nothing, but through You i'm royalty