Story Behind the Song
The moon shines bright over this prarie town.
So much love that I thought I would drown.
Baby bless this day and one of these nights
There's a happy sun in my happy world
Filled with happy boys and happy girls.
Happy trees and lots of happy grasses
No unhappy work,no crappy university classes.
No more stupid people talking out their asses
Just me in the spotlight singing to masses-
Come live in happy world, have a happy time
you're welcome to join, long as you can rhyme
Happy, happy this and happy, happy that.
Take all the good stuff, leave out the crap.
Optimism is neat, positive is hard to beat
I see no point in looking down,
I have better things to do than frown.
Lots of happy people drinking happy alcohol.
No depressed teenagers hanging out in a mall.
There's a happy radio, no crappy deadlines
No mortgage payments or crappy parking fines.
No stupid people talking out of their asses
Just me in the spotlight singing to masses-
Come live in happy world, have a happy time,
it's so easy to pretend everything's fine.
Happy, happy this and happy, happy that
you take the good stuff, leave out the crap.
Optimism is neat, positive is hard to beat.
I see no point in looking down,
I have better things to do than frown.