Story Behind the Song
Finding out that the person you loved has been telling you lies and trying to get things to work out. Then deciding it was too hard to continue with the lies and finding the truth was the only to go.There were many tears shed during this time,now time to sharehow I felt. The song was writen at home. It took about a week to put all together.If was recorded live on stage while playing for a dance in a small club in Missouri so it was only one take on a four track recorder with six mic's. I added some efects during mixdown.
It's hard on the heart,babe,each tearing word.I've lost my tast for what I take from you.People sounds their silence,The sweetist sound I've heard.If I play you're game,It's cheating on the truth...course... it takes too,many tears,to write a song,long,too much of me for you and me to get a long,I'll need another life time,but I'll never last that long, it takes too,many tears to write a song...Verse... It takes a lot of giving,a lotof going through,to findly find an end to going down.It takes so many answers,and so many lies,but now I know I've found the truth...course...It takes too,many tears,to write a song,long too,much of me,for you and me to get along, I'll need anouther life time,but I'll never last that long,It takes too,many tears to write a long.. It takes too,many tears to write a song.......