Story Behind the Song
I wanted to write a song for anyone who knows about both truth and injustice. It's about three people I came in contact with on the internet, in the South, and in NYC that taught me just what love really is.
I met a woman on the internet last night, who tried to teach me all about astrology.
It started friendly then it turned into a fight, when I attacked her words with my theology.
I hurt her feelings and she clicked right out of sight, now I feel I owe her an apology.
Love, Love, is never unkind, it’s gentle and meek, and love does not seek it’s own way,
Love, will never remind or keep an account of the wrong. Love suffers long.
I heard a preacher on the radio last week, who shouted to a crowd about morality.
With fear and anger in the words he chose to speak, and hate for those in homosexuality.
His voice was anything but patient kind and meek, perhaps he feels that’s not his personality.
Love, Love, is never unkind, it’s gentle and meek, and love does not seek it’s own way,
Love, will never remind or keep an account of the wrong. Love suffers long.
I ride the subway with a man who lost a limb but wears a wooden leg as if he doesn’t care.
He said that long ago someone did this to him, but he’s long since forgiven him in prayer.
I said that I feel I’ve been amputated too. Somebody ripped my heart apart not long ago.
I said if I can not forgive then how can you, he said when your love suffers long, you know….
Love, Love, is never unkind, it’s gentle and meek, and love does not seek it’s own way,
Love, will never remind a sinner of all he’s done wrong. Love suffers long.