Story Behind the Song
A song we wrote last year. Its about how we are all lost in this big place called the universe...and how we might deal with it.It was written, composed and performed at my home studio in Jerusalem.
We got the knives turning in our hearts
Trying to keep from falling apart
Were drowning in our own excess
We give religion, our thankfulness
Keep away the answers
You think you know better
Your ideology is full of lies
(sometimes sometimes)
Things, they really dont matter
When you teach your children how to close their eyes
(when you do they do)
Loneliness Holiness, mix and match and we become godless x2 (vocoder)
We see them in halls and parlaments
Wearing their precious ornaments
People heading for light in their lives
Seeing that only, black hits their eyes
So we go out to the beat
Unconscious we struggle to keep
Something of what we have gained
This moment, and be whole again
New, and whats left of ourselves
Nothing, we seem to regret
Much easier and there are no regrets
when nothing is real and we flow,
to the end
We are all K's
its allright...
Say, we got to say
that we are all really K's
In our own special way
We gotta live in our lives
Dancing to the beat of the 808
If its not to late