Story Behind the Song
I fell in love with a young Russian who took over my radio show. She did not reciprocate, tho she can't be blamed. I certainly was thinking of our relationship when I wrote the words. She was very kind to allow me to record her reading this when it obviously made her uncomfortable. Now she works in a think tank in Washington D.C. and I continue to work in my home studio.
Friend, I have a story to tell you. It is a sad story and although you won't believe me, it is also true. I know it is true because I knew this man. He lived in the town I moved to when I was a young woman. He was older than I, and my youth was irresistable. When he was not trying to be clever thinking up ways to make love to me, his life was consumed by music. He could not wait to get off work each day to return to his instruments. His studio became a sanctuary. He spent more and more time there, until I hardly ever saw him. After a while, I became concerned about him and went to his studio to see if he was all right. I had not realized how long he had been alone, and when I finally came to see him, he had changed. He had lost the ability to speak as we do. The emptiness he felt in his isolation had a physical effect somehow and his skin was like a drum suspended on the frame of his strong bones. When he opened his mouth, instead of words, music came out. I did not know what to do, so I took him to a doctor, and that is when I discovered that his transformation had a supernatural aspect. What I heard as church bells, sad and distant, the doctor heard as a brass chorus, close and death-defiant. His nurse heard jazz guitar, smooth and sexy. As it turned out, everyone who heard the sounds that now served as speach for my friend, heard reflected the music inside themselves.