Story Behind the Song
It all started when I got an email from someone in Japan. This person had heard some of my music and was wondering if I might be willing to arrange a song as part of an Internet-based project called "P-MODEL Global Tribute." The Japanese techno-pop group P-MODEL was celebrating their 20th anniversary, and they were organizing this project to give fans around the globe (most of which were in Japan, of course) a chance to make their own versions of P-MODEL songs and write their own P-MODEL-inspired music. So I figured I'd give it a shot. I ended up being voted 1st place and having my song included in an issue of the CD-mag "Nikkei NetN@vi" -- very kewl ^__^
The project's finished page can be found here (in Japanese only):
"Logic Air Force" Copyright(C)2000 P-MODEL all rights reserved.
UNDO time, delete three minutes of the past with the specialized aircraft;
Fly on a course around the sphere that welcomes us in a million different ways.
Hei e, hei e,
One-minute mark and we see the vision;
A crash along the winding route
Deletes the fence around the peaceful phantoms.
Yumeni mita, saisei no sora, saikai no sora.
REDO fire, launch and relaunch all the missiles a thousand and one times;
Target the threat, fire upon the shadows that close a million passages.
Kabe e, kabe e,
Two-minute mark and an awful connection;
We dodge the trashy fantasy
And delete the wall and its deviating task.
Yumeni mita, saisei no hie, saikai no hie.
[The sky of my dream]
[The land of rebirth]
[The day of reunion]
Yumeni mita, saisei no hie, saikai no hie.
"CAN DO" brings a bombing raid upon the neuron from three minutes ago;
Burn the flags, the flapping flags that are shutting out a million chances.
Hai e, hai e,
Three minute mark and we see behind us;
A crash deletes the drunken powers;
I see the code reborn with "CAN DO"!
Yumeni mita, saisei no chie, saikai no chie.