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    "Misty Moonshine"genre: Americana
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    CD: With the Windows Down   Label: Fish Fry Music
    Credits: Song Written by Chris Gonzalez-Lead Vocal, Contributing Musicians: Jovita Williams/Kevin Bailey-Harmonies, Danny Hubbard-Electric Guitar, Roy Robbins-Bass, Matthew Williams-Drums, Recorded and Mixed by Patrick McGuire at Patrick McGuire Recording, Arlington, Texas, Mastered by Ace Bowen at The Studio Ace, Dallas, Texas

    Story Behind the Song
    "Pawn shops are some of the best places to write song ideas in my book. They have so many old guitars and I think it was Neil Young who said he liked old guitars because each one had a story in them. Anyway, I was at a pawnshop in Irving, Texas and I picked up an old Fender acoustic. Just so happens that I had a poem I had written that day called, "Milky Moonshine" meant to describe the color of my girlfriend's skin in the winter-she's very white. The music just seemed to fall out of this guitar and it became a song instantly. My friend, Ed Rogers, suggested I throw in a 7th chord before the A, which I think changes the feel of the verses so I absolutely had to give him co-writing credit. One day, my friend, Matthew (Drums), asked me if the song was called, 'Misty Moonshine'. I said, "No, it's Milky.", but the more I thought about it, the more I liked 'Misty', which also changes the feel of the song in my opinion, so instantly he became a co-writer."

    Misty Moonshine By Chris Gonzalez, Matthew Williams, and Ed Rogers, Copywright 2000

    I have my own place and I keep my own time,
    But my space misplaces my mind.
    'Cos outside my doorway, I see a misty moonshine,
    Getting me drunk through the pines.

    Misty moonshine getting me drunk all time,
    Give me your misty moonshine.

    You storm through my anger and you take on my pride,
    You keep all the secrets I confide.
    Your white lace and perfume make my happy thoughts shine,
    Through goggles of misty moonshine.

    Misty moonshine getting me drunk all time,
    Give me your misty moonshine.

    Remember this night that I give you my heart.
    I swear it won't happen again.
    But just as the sun runs away to the west,
    I run to be back here again.
    I'll back here again...

    I know I should think before I take the next drink.
    I risk me floating away.
    But I can't stay sober,
    I chewed on a clover,
    That soaked in your misty moonshine.

    Misty moonshine getting me drunk all time,
    Give me your misty moonshine...

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