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ANF [and now for]

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    "Messiah Search 2000 (MS2K)"genre: Satire
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    A satire of organized religions.
    CD: NOT RELEASED   Label: ANTi-Records, 2000
    Credits: Joe Homeowner, PiTA

    Story Behind the Song
    I felt like writing a spoken word satire of organized religion.. so I did.

    Announcer: Welcome to Messiah Search 2000, we're (background voice: huh?) looking for our savior all around the world. He was supposed to return in 2000 to save us from our own sins, yet again. But, we've been unable to locate him as of this time. (background voice: awww) If you can find the messiah, you WILL receive eternal peace in heaven. So join us and look for the messiah. We promise you, that's what you'll get. Available only where law allows. No purchase necessary. See your local store for details.

    Person 1: Oh look, there he is.
    Person 2: No, no sorry, that's just some old hippy.
    Person 1: OVER THERE, a cross!
    Person 2: Oh, it's on fire.. nah, that's just a KKK rally.
    Person 1: But wait, he MIGHT be over there, they're fascists, too.
    Person 2: Look, jesus was NOT a racist.
    Person 1: But uh
    Person 3: But it's true, he was a hippy, so LET'S go back and FIND THE FIRST GUY.
    Person 1: NO, JESUS was no hippy, he was a good man.
    Person 2: Oh wait, so now you're insinuating hippies aren't good.. is that what you're saying?
    Person 1: I never said that.
    Person 2: Yeah, you did.
    Person 1: You're just assuming.
    Person 3: When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. But, usually us christians simply make asses out of ourselves.

    Announcer: Uh.. uh uh. We're having technical difficulties so we'll have to uh, goto commercial break.

    Advertiser 1: HEY GUYS, what's up? Salvation Products Limited is PROUD to present our limited time, special, special, very good, very weird, very legal and very saving offer. For a limited time off, er only. You can buy ONE salvation and get one free. (background voice: yes)
    Consumer: FREE?
    Advertiser 1: That's right, buy your salvation and receive one FREE for your friend as well! Hurry, this offer's only good while supplies last. You'll be sorry if you don't, and so will your friend.
    Legal person: And remember, please include the 5.95 EXTRA shipping and handling for your friends salvation.
    Jingle lady: Buy your indulgence today, SALVATION PRODUCTS!

    Person 2: You're screwed.
    Person 3: That's right.

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