Story Behind the Song
As a 20 year veteran Christian broadcaster, Jeff was inspired to find a song that captured his desire to reach people with the gospel using the tool of radio. He realized there wasn't a song that fully captured the message on his heart so late one night, climbed out of bed and penned these words on a legal pad, sitting on the floor.
Jeff knew who he wanted to arrange the keyboard part and Randy Price was willing. Jeff sang it for him and Randy played the inspiring music you hear on the track after only about 10 minutes. There was one take played into a sequencer. Jeff added the percussion later and Jeff's wife Robbyn engineered while Jeff sang.
Deep in the heart of a city, a faithful one speaks of the price
Paid for his sins on Calvary, as he tells a lost people of Christ
How will he reach the vast millions, who need to know God loves them so?
Will we give ourselves to help him? For God says the message must go!
Around the world, the message must go!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
Gods voiced His command. We cannot say no!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
We must move out and teach people. See Gods Word applied to the soul.
The gospel can move and change nations! That is our mission and goal.
Far from here people are hungry for truth that we already know.
Are we completely committed to God? Through us the message must go!
Around the world, the message must go!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
Gods voiced His command, we cannot say no!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
We have a vision to reach the whole earth. Our resolve continues to grow!
Gods given the tools. Hes given the plan. But we must commit now to go!
Around the world, the message must go!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
Gods voiced His command, we cannot say no!
To every people in every land, the message must go!
Around the world, the message must go.