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    "bILL_gATES_iS_tHE_dEVIL!!"genre: Alternative Hip Hop
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    A song about a man that changed the world.
    CD: Soft Favorites of Yesterday + Today   Label: FryerPark
    Credits: Kak12 & MJB

    Story Behind the Song
    October 29 2000

    We recorded this song (and the entire album) start to finish in a 26 hour recording session
    at Red Stripe Studio in July 1998.

    The Anti-Microsoft\Bill Gates sentiment peaked shortly after in a fury of soft history on that fateful, fun filled, fourth of Febuary. Bill realized what was a pie in the face could have easily been a bullet in the head and security was definitely tightened. It seemed
    to sink in for everybody then, didn't it?

    That following April Bill was making so much money it was simply an unprecedented event in human history. Everybody including The United States Government was absolutely amazed.

    Christmas break 1998. I remember returning home from Philadelphia. I was about to board my plane bound for Vancouver at the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport and I happened to glance up at the mounted television to see a news report saying that Microsoft stock had doubled in one year. The implications were, and are staggering.

    Could you imagine being Bill? What kind of information is he privy to? Can he even sleep?
    Could he actually be the third coming of an evil incarnate? If I was Bill, what would I do? Would I pretend I'm even remotely normal? all these ideas plus a lot more, were going around in my head.

    All this happened about six months after we recorded "bILL gATES iS tHE dEVIL". Since then
    Bill has gone underground gambit style. He continues to make risk-like strategic moves behind his curtain like the benevolent modern ruler and titan influencer he now is. Can you say philanthropy, logo commodification and spin doctors? So can Bill. He can also say Microsoft Canada, artificially intelligent web pages, and Al Gore for President;)

    Now, two years later as we are preparing our next album, (which will include an ill remix
    of said track) this song seems like an "oldie but goodie" to us. We here at FryerPark hope it's new to you, still a relevant topic and a good song. It originally appeared on our 1998 limited edition CD release entitled "Soft Favorites of Yesterday + Today". I somehow only got the idea to publish this song on the internet just recently. Talk about keeping your eye on the big picture, or what? This will mark the beginning of our substantial internet presence.

    Keep Watching Bill,


    PS - I gave a copy to Del about a year ago and I swear he heard it--check out Deltron
    3030s' track "Virus".

    Hitler was just a bum from Vienna, and Bill
    Gates is just a guy from Seattle?!? etc. etc.

    Nobody was making biblical interpretations
    of a software company while watching Miami
    Vice...Take my advice.. etc. etc.

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